Windows Virtual Desktop - Ending a Session


Windows Virtual Desktop is a Microsoft-based service that provides users with remote access to a virtual desktop.  This virtual desktop is similar to a CoreImage Windows desktop with standard Michigan Medicine branding and applications. For more information, reference Windows Virtual Desktop - Getting Started.


Signing Out

Option 1:

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Click your name next to the M.
  3. Click the ellipses.
  4. Click Sign out.


Option 2:

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Click the Desktop Logoff icon.


Do not use:

  1. (Windows) The X in the WVD's windowed session.

  2. (Windows) The X in the maximized session's title bar.

  3. (Mac) The red button in the upper left of the WVD session's window.

  4. Closing the web browser or the tab showing the WVD session.

  5. Signing out of the Windows Virtual Desktop broker (upper right) when using a web browser.