Tableau - How to Pick the Right Extract Schedule


Once you have made the decision on if you should extract or not the next thing is when to update the extract. Picking the right extract is crucial to getting the right data. Without the right data your dashboard won't be useful. Schedules can run Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or Hourly. 


When picking a schedule keep in mind:

  • How long does the extract take? 

If it is a long time running it hourly doesn't make sense. 

  • How frequently does the data change?

 No need to run daily when the datasource updates weekly. 

  • How frequently do we need to update?

Is this a monthly report? Annual? 

  • The times are not "set in stone"

If the schedule starts at 8am your job likely won't start at 8am exactly. The server currently only has 5 processes dedicated to background tasks (extracts, subscriptions, etc.) so 8am is the time is is added to the queue. Depending on the number of other jobs running (and how long they take) it might take a while to get your job started.

Existing Schedules

For Extract and Subscription schedules, including the number of items associated with each go here. (requires level 2 and (vpn or on MichMed Network)

Schedule Lag

The scheduled time is when a job is added to the queue. Some schedules can have a longer lag before the job execution starts. To view lag times you can look at this view or this one

Requesting New Schedules

If for some reason one of the existing schedules don't meet your needs you can request new schedules be added. By submitting a ticket to the Analytics and Business Intelligence Group in Service Now. You request will be evaluated based on expected load, existing server resources, and need.