The University of Michigan Medical School Competition Space is an innovative online platform that streamlines the process of finding, and applying for, funding opportunities at the Medical School.
The following funding opportunities will now be posted, and can be applied for, through Competition Space:
- Awards
- Bridging Support
- External Limited Submissions
- Other Opportunities
- Pilot Grants
SUPPORT: If you need support for Competition Space, go to the production Home Page. There is a blue Help link at the top-right corner of the page, which has an option to submit a ticket to the vendor company, InfoReady.
At the very bottom of the page, there is also an Email us link that sends an email to the Medical School Office of Research team.
Related Information
Administrator Requests:
Laura Hessler approves anyone requesting administrative privileges on InfoReady Competition Space, requested by email via the address umms-infoready@umich.edu