WaaS Upgrade - Scenario C: Snooze Before Install


Scenario B: Snooze Before Install

Step 1: Receive the Initial User Notification of pending software changes.

  • Click on the message that says, "Click here for options."


Step 2: Select installation snooze time.

  • Select "Snooze and remind me."
  • Select one of the following from the dropdown menu:
    • Later - The reminder notification is scheduled to launch again upon the next logon 
    • Fixed time -  The reminder notification is scheduled to launch again after the selected time. For example, selecting 30 minutes means the reminder notification will launch again in 30 minutes.
      • Selecting any of the Snooze options will launch the reminder notification again upon the next login.


Step 3: Begin upgrade.

  • When ready to upgrade, select Right now (recommended) instead of "Snooze and remind me" in the user notification.
  • Click on OK.

Step 4: Follow Steps 3 - 5 in Scenario A.