Canvas - How do faculty get notified of clerkship specific assignment submissions to grade?


How do faculty in clerkships get notified of assignment submissions to grade? How can they customize notifications only for one canvas site? 



  • Canvas takes an end-user focus approach to notifications, meaning each user has complete control over how they get notifications: globally (meaning every course) and individually on a per-course basis.
    • Notifications can either be received immediately via email, a daily digest, a weekly digest, or not at all. 
  • For faculty in the clerkships grading direct observation or other assignments, the recommendation is to make sure at the minimum to receive an immediate notification for assignment Submissions.
    • Faculty will only receive notifications for students they are supposed to grade.
  • If faculty only wants to receive assignment notifications for their course, they can turn off assignment notifications in their global settings, then turn them on at the specific clerkship canvas site.