Tableau - Saved Credentials for Cloud Datasources


You may need to add/update your credentials for cloud services so the Tableau Server can connect and retrieve data from them. 

Commonly used and configured services include:

    • Dropbox
    • Google Drive 
    • Google Sheets (deprecated
    • OneDrive (deprecated)
    • OneDrive and SharePoint Online
    • SharePoint Lists (JDBC)


NOTE: Some services may not be configured on Legacy Departmentally Managed Sites (LDMS), but can be requested by site admins using the service catalog



Create your Saved Credentials for Services

  1. Login to Tableau Server and Michigan Medicine Site
  2. In the Top Right Corner you will find your Initials or an Avatar if you configured one, Click that and choose "My Account Settings" from the Menu (<your username>/settings)
    My Account Settings
  3. Go to Security -> Saved Credentials for Data Sources
  4. To update existing credentials, you will need to delete them first
  5. For each service select Add a new window will open to authenticate you and prompt you to allow access for Tableau Server.

NOTE: If you have content in Legacy Departmentally Managed Sites you will need to repeat this process for each site. 

You will need to update the account. This may be done from the web browser by editing the data connection. If there are multiple data connections in a single datasource you will need to update it in Tableau Desktop and re-publish it to Tableau Server. 

New Datasources

When publishing workbooks or datasources you can select your saved credentials. 

Updating Dataconnections

Once you have saved your credentials, you must update the account used for each datasource. This may be done from the web browser by editing the data connection, however if there are multiple data connections in a single datasource you will need to update it in Tableau Desktop and re-publish to Tableau Server. 

Edit the Connection

Choose the connection and edit it in the browser. 

Edit the Connection

Embed Credentials 

Make sure "Embedded credentials in the connection" is chosen and then select your account from the dropdown menu.

Embed Credentials


After changing passwords you may experience connection issues with OneDrive and SharePoint Online datasources and need to update your saved credentials.