WaaS - Application Steward Roles and Responsibilities


What does it mean to be an application steward?

WaaS:  Windows as a Service



Roles & Responsibilities

App Std



& Support

Provide App Pack (EDEM) with current application information (name, version number, license model, quantities, cost).


Provide App Pack (EDEM) with current app steward, vendor, and tech support contact info (name, email, and phone number).


Identify the Michigan Medicine business need addressed by the application.


Annually confirm the Michigan Medicine business need still exits and app still addresses the need.


Regularly review/update the application information in the ServiceNow Software Catalog (Short Description, Long Description, Catalog Icon, and Software Manufacturer).


Maintain continuity/disaster recovery plan and app test plans as applicable.


Advocate adoption of software quality guidelines recommended by QA Advisory and Service Delivery Plan (SDP).


Application Packaging

Provide App Pack (EDEM) with older versions of applications, shortcuts, middleware, ActiveX controls, etc., that can be retired.


Maintain app packaging and maintenance of related application data.

Contact vendor to confirm current app version compatibility with latest adopted build of Windows (21H2, 22H2, etc.). This will be a collaborative effort with EDEM providing App Stewards with canned message for their respective vendors and App Stewards being responsible for sending/receiving/ sharing feedback communication from vendors.

Financial & Contractual

Ensure current maintenance/support agreement is in place.


Refer all inquiries regarding app vendor contracts to IT Contracts at Michigan Medicine.


Test & Upgrade

Annually test and confirm compatibility of current app version with latest adopted build of W10 (1809, 1909, etc.).


Maintain test plan for testing current app version and, if possible, upload to ServiceNow.


Coordinate resources (laptops, device upgrades, etc.) for testing current app version.


Communicate and summarize test results in ServiceNow.

Plan and communicate Windows-as-a-Service testing and upgrade schedule.


Submit IA Cybersecurity Risk Decision Request (RDR) if application fails testing. An RDR must be submitted by or sponsored by a Trusted Service Provider (TSP).


Manage availability of test environment and loaner laptops with future OS build.


Conduct progress reporting on app testing against OS build.


Facilitate issue resolution.