Access the Find Answers Knowledge Search
Self-help documentation (aka articles, job aids, tip sheets) is available for a variety of technologies, including common services like MiChart, Duo, Intelligent Hub, etc. and you have the ability to search, sort, filter, and provide feedback on the content. This content can be accessed in several ways:
- Direct link - (bookmark this page for easy access)
- Visit and click Find Answers.
- Visit the HITS Get Help page and click Find Answers.
Search Tips
- Type a search term into the search bar and press enter.
- The system will search the article titles, categories, key words (added by the author) and the article content, including any attached PDFs. Articles with the search term in the title or key words are sorted higher by relevancy.
- Fuzzy searches are not available (e.g. if a word is not spelled correctly, it won't find similar words).
- Review the article titles and summary to identify which article to view.
- Click Show Filters to refine your search if needed.
- Change the sort order if desired – sort by Relevance, Number of Views, Newest, or Alphabetical.
Search Results
When you get a list of results, look at the details to identify which article is most relevant.
Click the article title to open it.
If an article shows a PDF in the search results, you can open or download it without opening the article.
- The PDF will only show in the search results if the search term is within the PDF itself (not just in the article).
- If you open the PDF from the search results, you will not see any other content that may be included in the article.
After clicking Show Filters, a Refine Results box appears on the left side of the screen with various types of filters.
Filter Types
- Knowledge Base
- Information Technology - contains information about technology supported by HITS, such as Duo, InTune, Microsoft 365, etc.
- MiChart – contains content related to MiChart (including information previously found on the MiChart website and in tip sheets).
- Categories
- Categories are how the articles are organized within the knowledge base.
- Each article can only belong to one category even though some might seem to fit into multiple.
- For the Information Technology Knowledge base, the categories are related to services.
- In the MiChart knowledge base, the categories are generally related to topics. The MiChart category is used for content that crosses multiple other categories (e.g. a detailed workflow that has content from multiple other categories such as: notes, orders, and medication administration) or content that does not fall into any of the other available categories.
- Tags
- Tags are more commonly used for the MiChart Knowledge Base. They may be related to audiences, venues, specialties, etc.
- Each article can have multiple tags applied.
- Note: the KM at the end of the tags indicate Knowledge Management. Since tags can be used elsewhere in the system and individuals can create their own tags with duplicate names, this ensures that all article authors are using the same tags.
How to User Filters
- Click a filter to apply it
- The results list will become shorter, to only contain articles that meet the filter criteria.
- The filter also impacts the other types of filters. For example if you select the Information Technology Knowledge Base, any categories and tags that only appear in the MiChart knowledge base will be removed from the list.
- Knowledge Bases and Tags - you can only make one selection in each of these areas at a time.
- If you click a different selection, it will replace the previous one. (Ex. If you choose Nurses, then Providers, your search results will change to only show those with a Providers tag).
- Selected filters appear as a different color and are added to the "Showing" line at the top of the search results.
- Category - you can select multiple categories.
- As you select additional categories, your search results will become longer.
- Selected filters have a check mark and are added to the "Showing" line at the top of the search results.
- To remove filters
- To remove Knowledge Base or Tag filters - click Clear at the top of that filter section or click the filter name in the Showing line
- To remove Category filters -
- To remove individual filters - uncheck the filter name in the Category box or click the filter name in the Showing line
- To remove all Category filters - click Clear at the top of the Category filter section
- To remove all filters - click Clear All in the Showing line.
Viewing Content Within an Article
- Longer articles include a table of contents. Click a topic in the table of contents to jump to that part of the article.
- To enlarge a screenshot in the document, just click on it. Close the enlargement by clicking X in upper right.
- Click links within an article to view additional content.
- Some articles contain an icon
containing a PDF of a tip sheet that has not been fully moved into a knowledge base article. Click the icon to download the PDF. (If you want to just view the PDF without downloading it, return to the search results and click the PDF title from there).
- Right-click and select Print to print an article that does not have an attached PDF. Note: any content in the sidebars will be included in your printout.
- Some articles will contain a Related Articles widget to the right of the article. This provides for quick access to related content.
- Click the browser back arrow to return to your search results.
- This retains your search term and filters. If you re-enter your search from the article view, your filters will be removed.
- Click Copy Permalink at the bottom of an article to get a direct link to the article.
- Click Subscribe to receive an email notification if the article is updated.
Providing Feedback on an Article
- Click Flag Article under
to provide the owning group with feedback about the article. View ServiceNow - Flag a Knowledge Article for Review for additional details on this feature.
- At the bottom of the article, provide a rating or indicate whether the article was helpful. This information will be used over time to improve article quality.