Storage & FileSystem Services - Network Path Information (corefs\corefs2\corexfs\maize)


The following is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a 'How To' article.


Members of the Michigan Medicine community are eligible to use network storage space offered by HITS, also known as the Core File System or CoreFS.  Users who receive Michigan Medicine (Level-2) login credentials are automatically provided access to a personal network storage space, also known as the "H: drive."  In addition, those users whose departments utilize network shared storage will also be granted access to one or more shared drives, also known as "R:", "S:", or "T: drives." 


Note: The H\S\T\R drive mappings are automatically mapped on CoreImage devices only.


CoreFS uses the following UNC paths:


CoreFS2 uses the following UNC paths:


CoreXFS uses the following UNC paths:


Maize Shares uses the following UNC path:



Related Information

For device support, or specific instructions on how to use these UNC paths on your device, please submit an Incident (INC) or contact the Michigan Medicine Help Center for assistance:


For a brief list of services that can be requested from Storage & FileSystem Services please use the following link: