Microsoft Teams (M365) - Inviting External Participants to a Meeting


You can now invite meeting participants external to Michigan Medicine to join a Teams meeting via the Teams application. Simply add their email to the meeting invite via Teams and/or Outlook or share the meeting link with them. External participants will not be admitted to the meeting automatically and will be held in a waiting room until admitted. Limitations of external users are the following:

  • External participants can only message while the meeting is still active. Once the meeting has ended or the external participants has left the           meeting, the external participants will not be able to use the chat functionality. 
  • External participants cannot request to control your device.
  • External participants cannot view the transcript, if transcription was used during the meeting.


Invite External Participant via Email:


Invite External Participant via Link (Active Meeting):

  1. Select People

  2.  Select Share Invite

  3.  Select Copy Meeting Link

  4.  Send that link to the external participant. 


Invite External Participant via Link (From Teams Application):

  1. Find the meeting you would like to share via the calendar in the Microsoft Teams Application. Then select the meeting and copy the link as shown below.