CoreImage - Issue: Windows 11, Citrix, multiple monitors, and disappearing windows


When you use Citrix-hosted applications such as MiChart on your CoreImage Windows 11 device with multiple monitors, you may encounter situations where the application disappears.

This may happen if you follow these steps:

  1. Launch a Citrix-hosted application such as MiChart.
  2. Drag it from one display to another (e.g., from your laptop's built-in display to a secondary monitor.)
  3. Maximize the application window.
  4. Minimize the application window.
  5. Attempt to restore the window by clicking on it in the taskbar.
  6. The application window will not reappear after minimizing it. The application will remain present on the taskbar and running in the background, but it will not reappear.


All of Citrix customers are impacted by this bug.  Citrix has acknowledged the bug exists and reports that they are working on a fix for their customers. They have not communicated when it will be available.


HITS Internal:  PRB0041704

You have a few optional workarounds.

Don't minimize the application when it is maximized; window it first.

  • If you window the maximized Citrix-hosted application (e.g., MiChart) before you minimize it, then clicking on the application in the taskbar will restore it to a windowed state and allow you to maximize it again.  This two-step process will ensure that the application will restore after being minimized.
  • You can window an application by clicking on the double-square icon between the - and X icons visible in the righthand portion of the application's title bar.

Use Alt + Space.

  1. Click the Citrix-hosted application (e.g., MiChart) on the taskbar to ensure it's the active program. The application's presence on the taskbar will appear with a slightly lighter background color to indicate it is the active application.
  2. Hold the Alt key down and press Space.  This will bring up a small menu in the upper left-hand corner of your monitor/display.
  3. Choose Restore.  This will make the minimized application reappear in a window (not maximized).  You can proceed to maximize it again, but note that if you minimize it, you will need to go through these steps again to make it reappear.

Turn the display off and back on.

  • If the application was on a secondary display such as a monitor attached to a laptop's docking station, turn off the monitor, and turn it back on again.  This should force Windows to show the application on one of the other monitors, though you may have to maximize it to appear.

Close and reopen the application.

  1. Right-click on the application in the taskbar.
  2. Choose Close Window from the menu.
  3. Reopen the hosted application.